What is included in a unit bundle?
Presentation, Notes & Exams
100% Editable Presentation, Student Notes and Summative Exam. Resources are differentiated. Scaffolded and modified student notes included.
Interactive Notebook LessonS
Printable and Digital Interactive Notebooks. Input notes, foldables, quizzes and reflection exercises included. 100% editable versions of input notes and key included.
Bell Ringers / Exit Slips
Three-Part Daily Warmups. Each activity includes a low, mid and higher order question. Printable and digital versions included. Key included.
Daily Homework
Three-Part Homework Worksheets. Each worksheet includes low, mid and higher order questions. Printable and digital versions included. Key included.
Reading Passages
Reading Passages with Text-Based Comprehension Questions. Passages have Immersive Reader capability. Printable and digital versions included. Key included.
Task Cards
Tiered and Differentiated Task Cards. Task Cards assess students on all concepts covered in a unit. Printable and digital versions included. Key included.
Crossword Puzzles, Flashcards, I Have-Who Has Game and five versions of quizzes. Differentiated. Printable, digital and editable components. Key included.
Each card displays a simple illustration, one vocabulary word and a short definition. Half and quarter page printing options. Color and line art (black and white) graphics.
NO-PREP Activities to review HIGH-YIELD topics. Printable, digital and self-grading Google Form included. Key included. Activities varies with units.
Labs include activities that require students to use science, literacy, math problem-solving and engineering skills. Printable and digital versions included. Key included.