Immunity and Immune System Unit Bundle
A complete science unit covering concepts important to studying the immune and lymphatic systems, types of immunity and immune responses.
Check out my TpT listing for the Immunity Unit Bundle for previews, reviews and to purchase individual components of the unit bundle.
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Important Notes:
• Download a FREE Unit Bundle to learn more about all my products.
• Save $$$ with the Life Science Complete Curriculum
• Save $$$$ with the Integrated Science Complete Curriculum
This bundle includes:
• Editable PowerPoint Presentation, Scaffolded Notes and Exam
• Printable Interactive Notebook Lessons (Input Notes, INB Activities, Quizzes & Reflections)
• Digital Interactive Notebook Lessons with Editable Notes & Google Form Quizzes
• Bell Ringers, Homework & Task Cards Tiered to Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Reading Passages with Comprehension Questions
• SNAPs Lab Stations Activities
• Vocabulary Activity Pack and Word Wall Cards
• High Yield Review Sorts & Activities
• Differentiated Course and Unit Planning Guide
Unit Content Details
• This unit bundle ONLY covers the immune and lymphatic systems.
This resource includes modified files that facilitate online – distance learning:
• Fillable slides designed to work with Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.
• Digital Task Cards designed with Google Forms. Google Classrooms are not required.
• Digital Assessment designed with Google Forms. Google Classrooms are not required.
• Digital Laboratory Activities with editable components
Important Notes about Fillable Slides:
• Bell Ringers, Homework, Reading Passages & Digital INBs are available as fillable slides.
• Digital assignments CANNOT be edited. Only the text boxes or forms can be manipulated.
• Each assignment is saved as an individual file with the key removed for easy distribution.
All digital resources can be shared via platforms that are password-protected or accessible only to students.
Immunity PowerPoint, Notes & Exam
All items in this product are 100% EDITABLE and DIFFERENTIATED. The product includes a PowerPoint Presentation (105 differentiated slides), scaffolded notes (differentiated and modified/completed notes included) and a summative examination (differentiated and answer key included). The PowerPoint is differentiated for upper elementary and middle school students. A color-shape code is found on the upper left corner of every slide to help you differentiate concepts for your students’ needs and abilities. Google App compatible slides and notes are included. A self-grading digital assessment made with Google Forms included. Google App resources must be accessed using the Google Drive for Desktop App.
To upload Google App files to your Google Drive, use the Google Drive for Desktop App. You CANNOT directly upload the folders of lessons to your Google Drive within a web browser. Written and video directions included and can be viewed in a web browser: Alternative directions on how to manually make copies of files are included.
Immunity INB Unit
This differentiated interactive notebook unit is divided into INB lessons. Each lesson includes an overview with photos of the completed INB activity, one page of input notes (differentiated when necessary), at least one INB activity (key included), a 4-5 question mini assessment (key included) and a 2-part reflection exercise. Editable INB input notes are included. This INB unit includes 8 INB lessons and 10 INB activities:
Chapter 1: Immune System
Chapter 2: Lymphatic System
Chapter 3: Types of White Blood Cells
Chapter 4: Types of Immunity
Chapter 5: Immune System Responses (3 Lines of Defense)
Chapter 6: Allergic Diseases
Chapter 7: HIV
Chapter 8: Vaccination
Immunity Digital Interactive Notebook
The digital interactive notebook is the counterpart to the printable INB unit. The notebook is separated into chapters or lessons. Each chapter includes one page of EDITABLE input notes, a digital INB activity and a two-part formative reflection. Copies of mini assessments converted to self-grading Google Forms are provided. A student and teacher notebook are included. INB chapters are saved as individual files as well.
Immunity Bell Ringers
Differentiated and tiered 3-part activities designed to “warmup” students at the beginning of a lesson. Full and half page printing options and key included. Fillable slides that can be used with Google Classrooms and Microsoft Teams included. Activities align with INB chapters.
Immunity Homework
Differentiated and tiered 3-part homework assignments that can be used as a formative or summative assessment. Key included. Fillable slides that can be used with Google Classrooms and Microsoft Teams included. Activities align with INB chapters.
Immunity Reading Passages
Differentiated reading passages with text-based evidence comprehension questions. Immersive Reader compatible documents and key included. Fillable slides that can be used with Google Classrooms and Microsoft Teams included. Activities align with INB chapters.
This resource includes reading passages that can be read to a student with Microsoft’s Immersive Reader. Immersive-Reader compatible passages are read-only word documents accessed in a web browser. Internet access required. Students are provided links to the Immersive Reader compatible passages in the printable and digital versions of each activity.
Immersive Reader is a FREE Microsoft educational tool. You do NOT need a Microsoft account to access this tool in a web browser. Learn more about Immersive Reader HERE.
Immersive Reader can:
• Read the entire passage to a student
• Help pronounce individual words in a passage as a student reads
• Translate the entire passage or individual words in the passage for ESL students
• Change the font, text color and background color for students with visual impairments
Additional Notes
• Written and video instructions for students are included:
• Download a FREE unit of Immersive Reader compatible reading passages HERE.
Immunity Vocabulary Activity Pack
This vocabulary activity pack includes EVERYTHING you need to introduce, reinforce, review and master science vocabulary! Crossword puzzles, flashcards, games and quizzes included. Printable, digital and editable components.
Immunity Word Wall Cards
Each card displays a simple illustration, one vocabulary word and a short definition. Half and quarter page printing options. Color and black and white.
Immunity Task Cards
44 differentiated and tiered task card questions to help assess your students on important concepts covered in this unit. Printable and digital task cards included. Answer sheets and key included.
Task cards designed to work with Google Forms included. Can be assigned to students with Google Classrooms or shared as a link with your student any way you choose. Self-grading. Digital task card questions and answers are editable. Task card images are NOT editable. Requires internet access.
NO-PREP resources to review HIGH-YEILD topics in science! Each activity focuses on a single topic to develop mastery of that topic. Printable and digital activities and self-grading Google Forms included. This bundle includes two high-yield review activities:
• Immune and Lymphatic System Review
• Immune Responses Review
Immunity Lab Stations Activities
SNAPs Lab Stations are lab activities that require students to use science, math, literacy, problem-solving and engineering skills. The labs are designed to enhance students’ understanding of scientific concepts and help students apply scientific ideas to the real world. This bundle includes three labs:
• Immune and Lymphatic Systems Lab Stations Activity
• Immune Response Lab Stations Activity
• HIV Lab Stations Activity
The SNAPs labs in this unit bundle are offered in a digital format (fillable slides compatible with Microsoft PP and Google Slides) to facilitate distance learning and support digital classrooms. To better support digital classrooms, the assessment station is offered as an editable, self-grading Google Form as well.
SNAPs lab activities are rated for their ease with distance – independent learning. Refer to the Master Lab Skills List for a brief overview of how well each laboratory works in a fully digital classroom and with distance learning.
This download includes an editable word document (docx file) of all lab components:
• Pre-Lab and Post-Lab Activities
• The Lab Overview
• Lab Station Activities and Questions
• Directed Synthesis Project (when applicable)
Important Notes:
• Diagrams, illustrations, tables and graphs essential to lab activities are included
• Illustrative clipart is NOT included
• Editable documents and rubrics are included with the FREE SNAPs Setup Guide
Immunity Unit Planning Guide
This product includes EDITABLE Excel sheets to help you plan and pace the unit. It includes suggestions for how to use the resources in this unit. Differentiated plans and pacing options are included.
Next Generation Science Standards
This resource enriches Next Generation Science Standards but does not address specific standards.
• All rights reserved by Stephanie Elkowitz.
• This product is to be used by the original purchaser only.
• Intended for classroom and personal use only.
• Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited.
• This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view.
• Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).